LezrApp: Resolve problems related to Apparel and clothing
The seller mostly faces these two kinds of problems when selling the apparel to the customer and the supplier.
- Customer problem
- Supplier problem
But before we start let me tell you first what an Apparel boutique is. An Apparel boutique is a small shop that deals in modern clothing and jewelry.
People approach boutiques when they plan to buy fashionable clothes and modern jewelry. Boutiques generally offer high priced products with limited quantities of that product.
- Customers would purchase the APPARELS and would later blame the seller that a faded color/torn-out product being delivered to them.
- Where the seller had actually sold the product in good condition and situations can be vice versa.
- LezrApp solves the problem by capturing multiple images of the sold product.
- Captures the digital signature of the customer where the customer signs to acknowledge the receipt of the product in a condition which he/she cannot deny later and the same is also applicable to the seller.
- LezrApp brings transparency.
- The shop owner will purchase the apparel products and would later blame the supplier that a defective product is delivered to him.
- Where the supplier had actually supplied the product in good condition and the situation can be vice versa.
- The shop owner can now capture images of the purchased products and the supplier too.
- This will be helpful to track if defective products/ less in quality products were delivered to the dealer.